Countless millions of individuals wear contact lenses around the world, however you wouldn't know it by looking at these people. Let us introduce you to contact lenses if you're not familiar with these unseen yet ubiquitous tiny aids.

Millicans Opticians has a particular interest in contact lenses, which allows us to choose the best lens for your eyes and lifestyle. There are many different types of lenses available today, each with its own set of advantages for different people. It's crucial to remember that contact lenses can cause eye difficulties, so make sure they're correctly fitted and checked when you first get them.
Soft lenses are by far the most prevalent type of contact lens now worn, and the majority of soft lenses are disposable. Soft lenses are often comfy right away, making them perfect for all-day or occasional use. The majority of soft lenses are replaced daily, twice weekly, or once a month. The more frequently you replace your contacts, the more comfortable and healthy your eyes will be. Silicon Hydrogel is the most recent advancement in contact lens technology. They are by far the healthiest substance on the market today. For additional information, contact one of our optometrists.
What were once known as hard lenses have been transformed into gas permeable lenses. These were manufactured of perspex and had good optical properties as well as being resistant to deposits and poor handling. What used to be known as hard lenses have evolved into gas permeable lenses. These were manufactured of perspex and had good optical properties as well as being relatively resistant to deposits and poor handling.
Your eyes begin to lose their capacity to focus on close-up objects around the age of 45. If you currently use glasses for distance vision, you must choose between separate reading glasses or spectacles that mix the two, such as bifocals or varifocals. Multifocal contact lenses, which come in soft and gas permeable varieties, are considerably different from their spectacle counterparts. They rely on the lens's centre portion to focus both near and distance vision. This sort of lens is now widely available in daily variants.
If you require a prescription for spectacles after your NHS eye examination then again you may be eligible for help towards the cost of your spectacles.